Monday, June 28, 2010

Chapter 4

Page: 54

Quote: I shook the image.


This chapter introduces Jose Dominguez a man that Eddie went to high school with. Jose wants to hang out with Eddie witch he hasn't seen for a long time. He has just got out to the armed forces and is now gonna spend time with his old class mate. They both go out to catch up for awhile and then Eddie spot Mr. Stiles truck. After Eddie calls him and tells him where to go to get his truck. After he walks out he find Jose going towards the truck and then gets confronted by some gang members and gets stabbed. Now Eddie has to get him to the hospital.

Somebody: Jose

Wanted: To hang out with Eddie

But: He gets stabbed by gang members

So: He gets sent to the hospital

Then: Jose's family comes and blames Eddie for what happened

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