Friday, June 25, 2010

Chapter 3

Page: 35

Quote: The good life is one where you go to work, do an eight-hour shift, and return home to your family, where your kids are wild for you.

Response: This chapter talks about how Eddie's Friend angel comes over after getting a gun form Eddie's aunt. Eddie is trying to get angel to leave, also he tries to find out if angel stole the truck. After angel leave Eddie goes to collage for his classes and sees Mr. Yellow Shoes, the same color shoes that the guy who killed Juan was wearing. Now Eddie is following him around and then in the parking lot he confronts him. After Eddie doesn't get any information out of him. He retreats home to relax when he finds a note from Mr. Stiles now he has to explain what happened to his truck. Then Eddie's mom comes to visit and tries to get him to get with a girl that they know. Shortly after he gets a call from Norma from the college and takes off to see her.
Somebody: Eddie's Mom
Wanted: Eddie to get a girlfriend
But: Eddie doesn't want one
So: she tries to get her with a woman that she knows
Then: Eddie leave to a girls house and his mom wants him to get some coffee

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